
Eddie guerrero car
Eddie guerrero car

eddie guerrero car

It was due to this accident that he started abusing drugs. Harsher in Hindsight: During Eddie's first match in WCW after getting into a serious car accident, the commentators make almost non-stop remarks about how great he looks and how it doesn't even look like he was in any pain after the accident.Getting rid of the mullet probably helped a bit, too.

eddie guerrero car

Grew the Beard: Eddie was always a good wrestler and popular with the fans but his second run in the WWE after overcoming his drug addictions really stands out as the point where his natural charisma really took off with fans.If you lived in PAL territories, you got the game & possibly played the storyline prior to before Eddie's death, but the game wasn't released in America until two days after he had died. The game was released the weekend of his death. Funny Aneurysm Moment: In the Smack Down vs Raw 2006 video game, Eddie was featured in a storyline that ended with The Undertaker buring him alive.(The Steiners won their match against The Outsiders, but their Tag Team Championship win was reversed on the next Nitro). It's worth noting that Eddie was the only WCW wrestler that the nWo put over at nWo Souled Out 1997, during their Spotlight-Stealing Squad stage.Ensemble Darkhorse: Eddie in WCW it wasn't until he went to WWE that he became a true superstar.Ear Worm: The last entrance theme Eddie used before his death, "Gangster Lean".About three years later, he had to virtually murder Rey Mysterio to get fans to boo him. Draco in Leather Pants: Following his return to WWE in 2002, Eddie was cheered by fans whether he was a heel or a face.Somewhat of a Funny Aneurysm Moment at this point, but it's still a great moment. Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The ending of Wrestlemania XX, where Eddie came out to celebrate Chris Benoit's World Heavyweight Championship win with him."We are going for a ride! AND IT'S GONNA BE BETTER THAN DISNEYLAND, HOMES!".The time he gave The Big Show a tainted burrito, causing Big Show to have to flee the ring in the middle of a match to a bathroom.PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.

eddie guerrero car

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    Eddie guerrero car